Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Blog

Welcome to our blog where we talk about the science behind Acupuncture, Classical Chinese Medicine, and achieving optimal health, well-being and consciousness.

Pelvic Health Krystal Couture Pelvic Health Krystal Couture

Clearing Blocks in Acupuncture

You may have heard of your acupuncturist say something like, “Before we work on your pelvic floor, we need to check for and clear any blocks.” Blocks are essentially barriers to the treatment being effective and holding from one session to the next or long term. Blocks can be diagnosed through the pulses, through your energy or even through the eyes. Blocks can also be physical symptoms like pain.

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Pelvic Health Krystal Couture Pelvic Health Krystal Couture

Connection between the Low Back and the Pelvic Floor

The low back can have indirect effects on the pelvic floor due to the anatomical and functional connections between these areas. The low back (lumbar region) and pelvic floor are part of the same musculoskeletal and neuromuscular system, and alterations in one region can influence the other. Here’s why Trigger Point Needling (Dry Needling or Ashi Point Needling) of the back impacts the Pelvic Floor:

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Pelvic Health Krystal Couture Pelvic Health Krystal Couture

What is Pelvic Floor Dry Needling?

Pelvic floor dry needling is a therapeutic technique that involves the insertion of acupuncture needles which are sterile, thin, solid needles into specific points in the pelvic region. These points are usually Ashi (tender points or trigger points. “Ashi point” needling is acupuncture trigger point needling, and this is described in Chinese medical texts dating from 200 BCE – 200 CE. Insertion of needles into Ashi points can alleviate pain, improve muscle function, and address various pelvic health issues.

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