What is Pelvic Floor Dry Needling?

Pelvic floor dry needling is a therapeutic technique that involves the insertion of acupuncture needles which are sterile, thin, solid needles into specific points in the pelvic region.

These points are usually Ashi (tender points or trigger points. “Ashi point” needling is acupuncture trigger point needling, and this is described in Chinese medical texts dating from 200 BCE – 200 CE. Insertion of needles into Ashi points can alleviate pain, improve muscle function, and address various pelvic health issues.

So what does Pelvic Floor Dry Needling or Ashi Point Acupuncture do?

  • Promotes Muscle Relaxation:

    • Dry needling targets trigger points within tight or overactive muscles in the pelvic floor and surrounding areas. The insertion of needles promotes muscle relaxation, reduces muscle tension, and helps release the fiber patterns of knots and spasms.

  • Improves Blood Flow:

    • The needling process can stimulate local blood circulation in the pelvic region. Improved blood flow enhances oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues, promoting healing by creating a micro inflammatory response, which over time reduces tissue dysfunction.

  • Releases Myofascial Restrictions:

    • Trigger point needling is used to release myofascial restrictions, which are areas of tightness or adhesions in the connective tissue (fascia) surrounding muscles. This can improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall tissue health.

  • Pain Modulation:

    • The insertion of needles triggers a response in the nervous system, leading to the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals. This can help modulate pain signals and reduce the perception of pain in conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunction, myofascial pelvic pain, and conditions like vulvodynia or dyspareunia..

  • Balancing the Nervous System:

    • Dry needling may influence the autonomic nervous system, helping to regulate its activity. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with pelvic health issues related to dysregulation of the nervous system.

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Activation:

    • In cases of pelvic floor muscle weakness, inactivity or reduced sensation, Ashi points may be used to activate and strengthen these muscles. This can be beneficial for addressing incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

Pelvic Floor Dry Needling or Pelvic Floor Ashi Needling or Pelvic Floor Trigger Point Needling are methods that have been used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine to help both men and women with pelvic floor dysfunction.

These techniques have merit in their own right, but are very successful as complimentary techniques to acupuncture, exercise, qigong, breathing for the pelvic floor and treatment of the other systems of the body.

Ask your acupuncturist if Pelvic Floor Trigger Point Needling can help you. Don’t have an acupuncturist? Then click here to view my Pelvic Care Schedule. Curious about adding Pelvic Care to your practice click here.


Safety Concerns when Needling the Pelvis


Common Pelvic Health Disorders in Women