Increase Quality of Life with Pelvic Care Acupuncture

Pelvic care can be seriously transformative for your life! Pelvic pain and dysfunction very often don’t get better on their own. They require intervention.

Here are some of the things that can change once you start a Pelvic Care regiment with your acupuncturist:

Pain Reduction and Management:

Addressing pelvic pain with acupuncture, physical therapy, and self care can lead to a significant reduction in discomfort, allowing you to do the things you love. 

Improved Reproductive Health:

For those of reproductive age (both Women and Men), maintaining pelvic health can positively impact fertility. It can also help regulate menstrual cycles and support a healthy pregnancy. 

Enhanced Sexual Health:

Pelvic health is closely linked to sexual well-being (again, both Women and Men). Addressing issues such as pain or dysfunction can lead to improved sexual satisfaction, intimacy, and overall relationship quality.

Prevention or Improvement of Urinary and Gastrointestinal Issues:

Proactively managing pelvic health can contribute to the prevention of urinary incontinence, constipation, and other issues related to the bladder and gastrointestinal system.

Optimized Musculoskeletal Function:

The pelvic region is integral to musculoskeletal function. The pelvic diaphragm connects to the abdomen, back and hips. Maintaining pelvic health through breath work, exercises, balancing imbalances can lead to improved function not just in the pelvic bowl, but the whole body. 

Emotional Well-Being:

Chronic pelvic pain or dysfunction can have a significant impact on mental health. Once you start talking to your acupuncturist about your pelvic health, you can start addressing it which can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Management of Menopausal Symptoms:

For those going through menopause, or your second spring,  maintaining pelvic health can help manage symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, leading to an improved quality of life during this rebirthing phase.

Increased Mobility and Physical Activity:

When you are worried about leaking urine or experiencing pain, it’s very easy for your level of activity to become reduced. Adding some Pelvic Care support can start to reduce your symptoms and help you return to activities that bring you joy. 

Social and Occupational Functioning:

Chronic pelvic health issues can reduce your ability to participate socially and occupationally. Humans are naturally social creatures and this can take a huge emotional toll. By getting some support, you may be able to enhance your participation in social activities, work tasks, and overall community engagement.

Prevention of Complications and Chronic Conditions:

Overtime, pelvic health issues left unaddressed can lead to further imbalances in the reproductive system, urinary tract (including the kidneys), gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system and mental health. When something is out of balance in the body, other systems need to overcompensate. Addressing pelvic health concerns as soon as you are aware of them is crucial to the prevention of chronic conditions. 

Healthy Aging:

Aging is inevitable. Our vitality diminishes over time. These are the realities of being human. While we cannot live forever, we can do things that keep us well longer. Pelvic Care is one of the best things you can do for yourself to promote your vitality. 

If you’re still reading this post, chances are some of this resonates with you. Pelvic care is an area that for so many can be challenging to talk about, embarrassing and even shameful. Sharing those needs and having your needs met, whatever they are, is important. Talking about your pelvic health is not only okay, but absolutely necessary. Your acupuncturist can be a great resource for getting the support you need in a nurturing and safe environment. 

If you don’t have an Acupuncturist, here is my schedule , let’s talk about your Pelvic Care Plan! If you are an acupuncturist and this resonated with you, click here to learn how you can bring Pelvic Care into your practice.


Pelvic Health as a Source of Profit in Your Acupuncture Practice!


10 Signs Your Client Needs Pelvic Care Acupuncture