Pelvic Health as a Source of Profit in Your Acupuncture Practice!

If you’re like most acupuncturists, you hate when marketing specialists say ‘you have to niche your practice’. You probably don’t want to treat only one type of client. You don’t want to lose the clients you already have. And if you’re like me, you definitely don’t want to exclude certain populations.

I love Michelle Grasek’s approach, she says on her instagram she focuses on beauty as that market is HOT!! and has specialized beauty services on her website, but still has space for general acupuncture. Specializing in Pelvic Care doesn’t mean you have to give up general acupuncture or any other population you love to treat. Pelvic Care is its own speciality that can provide so much relief to your clients and improvements in their quality of life, but also increase your bottom line. Here’s how:

  • Specialized Services:

    • Offering specialized pelvic health services, such as pelvic acupuncture, may attract that niche market of clients seeking specific interventions for reproductive health, pain management, or other pelvic issues.

  • Health Programs:

    • Developing specific health programs that address a range of pelvic health issues can cater to a broader or more specific audience (think, women’s health, men’s health, trans health). These programs may include a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, lifestyle guidance, and educational components. They get clients to commit to a long term care investment.

  • Support Packages:

    • Providing fertility, menopause, menstruation, sexual dysfunction, CPP (chronic pelvic pain) support services, including acupuncture sessions tailored for your clients needs, can be a lucrative offering. These programs may attract individuals seeking alternative approaches to enhance their lives.

  • Membership Programs:

    • Creating membership programs that provide access to regular acupuncture sessions, educational content, or exclusive events can generate recurring revenue and enhance client loyalty. A one year postpartum membership is one of the best offerings and an amazing gift for a new momma. 

  • Educational Workshops and Classes:

    • Hosting workshops or classes on pelvic health, fertility awareness, or QiGong for the pelvis, etc can generate income while educating the community. The more people in your community that know about you, the more potential clients you have.

  • Online Consultations and Courses:

    • Offering online consultations for pelvic health and developing courses on topics such as herbal medicine consults, stress reduction, hormonal balance, or pelvic exercises can expand the reach of services and generate revenue beyond a local clientele.

  • Product Sales:

    • You are probably already aware of this as an acupuncturist, but selling products is an easy way to increase your income. Herbal supplements, wellness products, or tools related to pelvic health can be an additional source of profit. These products should complement the services offered in the alternative healthcare practice.

  • Collaboration with Wellness Brands and Affiliate Programs:

    • Partnering with wellness brands (that you believe in) to promote and sell their products in the clinic, such as pelvic health-related teas, supplements, or self-care items, can create game changing revenue streams. If you’re already recommending that it is something they buy, you might as well get a small cut. 

  • Corporate Wellness:

    • It’s an idea that’s a bit far out, but not for the right company. Offering corporate wellness programs that include pelvic health services, stress management, and educational sessions can attract businesses looking to enhance the well-being of their employees, especially large healthcare groups.

By opening the conversation about Pelvic Care as acupuncturists, we have an opportunity to help people transform their lives and make sure our coffers stay full! If you are interested in bringing Pelvic Care into your practice click here.


Common Pelvic Health Disorders in Men


Increase Quality of Life with Pelvic Care Acupuncture