Integrity and 11 Tidbits About Yours Truly

Dr. krystal couture health consciousness healer integrity

Integrity is a huge deal to me. Being someone who offers up exactly what I'm about with full honesty seems like the only way. In my healing practice and in my life, I have always prided myself upon being really authentic. Anything else, to me feels uncomfortable and leaves me with a pit in my stomach. 

Having integrity means that first and foremost you are honest with yourself and see yourself as whole and complete just the way you are. This means that other's judgements, perspectives and opinions become irrelevant. Some might say that this is easier said than done, but is it really? Isn't it easier to be you and put forth all that you are; attracting, offering, leading from this place of perfect alignment with you? Imagine all the great things that would come into your life if you started with you being you.

In light of this small offering on integrity and in complete transparency, I wanted to share a few tidbits about me!

1. I learned at an early age about the subtle energies of the Earth. My dad, a manual laborer, with many skills in a variety of trades taught me about how he dowsed to find water, electromagnetic fields, and generally good energy whenever he was building something. Subtle energy became "normal" to me very early on!

2. I started dancing at age 3 and haven't stopped since! I have loved to dance my entire life. Growing up, I went to dance classes almost every night of the week and when I wasn't at the studio, I was dancing in my basement or the field behind my house. In college, I was the girl, choreographing pointe routines in a glass walled studio in the center of the recreation gym. Now, as only the universe could, I share responsibilities as a dancer, teacher, and owner for my husband's latin dance school. Dance teaches me everyday about letting go and finding my freedom through movement.

3. I grew up in a very rural part of New Hampshire. I learned how to drive on dirt roads on the way up to camp in my dad's pick up truck. I shot a pistol at a Budweiser can at age 8. (I missed and caught a squirrel's tail) I rode my bike almost everywhere in the summer, even when I was old enough to drive. The paper mill employed almost everyone in my town. We had a huge garden in the back yard which would feed our family for the summer, until, of course, a large black bear decided to have a feast. 

4. I always had a special connection with dolphins. I met my first dolphin at age 5, at Sea World, like many other children. However, my encounter was a bit unique in that the dolphin brought my hand into his mouth, holding it between his teeth, not biting, just holding. I'm pretty sure this was the exact moment when the energy of dolphins was transferred into my being and my destiny to spend a lot of time with these special creatures was birthed. Now, I spend about 2 weeks a year sharing healing energy and unconditional love with wild dolphins.

5. My cousin David is the reason I became a healer. In his twenties, my daredevil cousin did a somersault in the mud while playing mud football and broke his neck. He ended up with a complete cervical spinal cord injury, meaning he was paralyzed from the chest down, with limited arm function. Despite this, David was inspired to press on and is completely independent as a quadriplegic. So much so that his daredevil qualities still exist - he has his own four wheeler, plow truck(s), goes snow machining, skiing and even waterskiing, all while taking care of his home and his job as a welding designer. Yeah, he's a major inspiration! I wanted to share just a little of that with clients.

6. I've always loved to travel! I am the type of person that could feel at home, no matter where I land. Being on vacation feels like a tremendous adventure that could go on forever. I don't have a favorite vacation spot, as I long only to visit the sea, which sounds a little strange since I live near the sea, but it's totally my jam to be on the ocean! Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Baltic, Adriatic, North Sea have all been in my travels and are all amazing!

7. I have two wild cornish rex cats! Up to the point when I adopted Fira, I was petrified of cats. But I was so intrigued by this breed and my good friend, Amber's rex, Mew, I had to face the fear head on. Turns out, these cats are super loving, have huge personalities, like to get into a little mischief and are downright amazing parts of my little family.

8. I'm vegan. Despite growing up around lots of uncles, cousins and friends (both males and females) that hunted, I never had a liking for the taste or texture of meat. Later in life, it occurred to me that I didn't agree with treatment of many animals that were to be consumed. A vegan lifestyle can be tricky, but inside my being, it really feels great and healing. 

9. I love my work in an unconditional way. I can't say this was always true, but the space I am in now, facilitating holistic healing is seriously AWESOME! I love the process of allowing clients to be exactly where they are, help them to honor and respect it and heal whatever they desire and are ready for! It's really LOVELY!!

10. I am married to my best friend. If I may, I will brag for just a moment! This guy is wonderful. And creating life with him is really a gift! We spend A LOT of time together since we are partners in business and life, but most of the time, we are having a ton of fun! I couldn't imagine life any other way!

11. I believe in angels! As a young girl I felt a connection to spirits and I have become a firm believer in the life of souls beyond this one physical existence that we can see. I believe our angels are with us, supporting us, loving us and guiding us all the time. And that feels really wonderful. 


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