My 2017 Biz Resolution
Written on 1-11-17:
I'd love to start this year's updates expressing my gratitude for an immense 2016. So many changes to the business have allowed me and the amazing work I share with clients to expand in a healthy, beautiful way. So much that was unnecessary has faced and the core of healing is really prominent. I am tremendously grateful for my own inner knowing, support of so many loving people, and the honor of facilitating healing. Its seriously awesome!
As a bit of a perfectionist, I've created a list of things I'd like to bring more of to the practice energetically in 2017. Here's what we all have to look forward to!
- fascination with clients journeys
- joy of treatment
- magic with every touch, needle, crystal, oil, herb
- healing love
- abundant gratitude
- blessings
- non-attachment
- experience pleasure of the client's successes
- the energy of the universe and dolphins
- the feeling of feeling great
- confidence
- advanced energetic diagnostics and treatments
- spiritual peace
- profound allowing and receiving of abundance
Since writing this, I have found a renewed and heightened life force energy within myself coming to sessions that is simply divine! Looking forward to our work together in 2017!
xo Krystal