Nutrition Notes: Metal

The Autumn season is governed by the metal element and encompasses the Lungs and Large Intestine.

The Lungs are the Recievers of Pure Heavenly Qi. With each breath we take, the Lungs connect us to the Source of Creation which creates inspiration on all levels. They are the source of communicating between the inner and outer atmosphere or micro and macrocosm.

The Large Intestine, known as the Great Eliniminator, removes waste from our body, physically and energetically. Together, the Lungs and Large Intestine provide us with the concept of receiving and releasing.

Nutrition Notes for the Metal Element or the Autumn Season include:

  • Meditating upon one's food and instilling the intentions of gratitude and nourishment will help to strengthen the inner and outer relationship.

  • As a general rule, if it grows underground, it is an autumn food.

  • Omnivores should increase meat consumption.

  • Vegetarians and vegans should increase connsumption of grains, beans, seeds, and nuts.

  • Dairy or dairy alternatives and eggs should also be increased as appropriate.

  • Lubricators such as grapeseed, olive, sesame, and sunflower oils may be added.

  • Ghee or butter may be appropriate.

  • The autumn is a time of year when baking of foods provides the most nourishment.

  • Cook longer and slow.

  • Thicker vegetable soups with grains will be supportive during this season.

  • Pungent foods like garlic, onion, scallion, daikon radish and ginger will disperse qi and blood as well as create a lifting action, great for keeping the lungs healthy and active.

  • Local mushrooms are a strong asset to an autumn diet.


Nutrition Notes: Water


Nutrition Notes: Earth