Benefits of adding Pelvic Care to your Acupuncture Practice

The pelvis is the root of the trunk. It connects to the spine and core of the body as well as provides the diaphragmatic support for our lower abdominal organs. It holds the entry points for both the conception vessel and governing vessel. The pelvis houses a number of acupuncture points. And it is the seat of the lower Tan Tien or Elixir of Life Field. 

Long before becoming an acupuncturist, I became a PT and over time came to specialize in Pelvic Health, specifically dry needling of the pelvic floor and surrounding structures. I became an acupuncturist to go deeper into the spirit of the points and gain deep understanding of the organ system energetics. I fell in love with the impact a needle can make on a physical, emotional or energetic level. 

I was shocked when I realized there were very few, if any, modern acupuncturists that included pelvic health in their practice and even fewer that specialized in pelvic care! While modern day PTs do a good job of addressing a lot of components of pelvic health, acupuncturists have an understanding of the energetics of the pelvis and it’s connection to the whole body that exceed that of other healthcare professionals.

Adding Pelvic Care to your practice won’t just benefit your clients, but your practice. Here’s how:

  • Holistic Support: Almost every acupuncturist I know has the common goal of wanting to help people. Acupuncture enhances the holistic nature of pelvic by addressing specific issues related to the energetic systems of the body. Acupuncture is really unique in that we look at a diagnosis from a vantage point that includes the symptoms related to the pelvis, other symptoms, patterns and the client’s constitution. This allows us to treat in a very comprehensive manner with a wide variety of tools. Providing holistic support in the realm of pelvic care supports our clients and for most of us, that nourishes our souls. 

  • Diversify Clientele: Offering pelvic care expands our range. This means clients that have pelvic specific conditions will seek you out because you’re an acupuncturist with specific pelvic care training. Attracting more diverse clients means the treatment rooms stay full.

  • Wellness Programs: Adding pelvic care allows us as acupuncturists to create specialized wellness programs tailored to the unique needs of individuals seeking pelvic health support. Programs keep clients invested for a set time frame and allow them the greatest opportunity for change to occur. 

  • Groups: Another great add on to our services is groups. This means that not only do we have more clients on the treatment tables, but we can create ways to support clients through group education sessions, informative meetings, and wellness meet ups (like qi gong for pelvic health or postpartum). This layer of support can provide the sense of community that clients are seeking and bring you more clients and thus more income.

  • Collaboration, Community, Collective: Acupuncture can sometimes be a lonely field. Western medical providers don’t always speak our language and likewise, we don’t always speak theirs. Incorporating pelvic care may bridge the gap of connecting with other healthcare providers, fostering an integrative approach to patient care and helping you feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself. Community is one of the best source of referrals. 

There is an ABSOLUTE NEED for you, as an acupuncturist to incorporate pelvic care in your practice. According to one study done in 1996 by Mathias et al, “14.7%  reported chronic pelvic pain within the past 3 months.” And, the group that reported pelvic pain had significantly lower mean scores for general health than those who did not.

If pelvic health resonates with you, I’d be honored to guide you through specializing in Pelvic Care as an acupuncturist. Join Me. 



Is an acupuncturist qualified to treat pelvic health issues?


Happy Lunar New Year