Quality Relationships

friendship relationships

We have the pleasure of writing our own unique story of this lifetime, we get to choose the setting, the direction, the feeling and the other characters in our story. When we take this perspective on life, we see that each day when we wake up, we have an opportunity to create the day ahead, just as we desire. It also means that we aren't locked in to any fate based on a choice we made, since we are the writer, we can allow our main character to do anything she pleases. 

In my schedule, I've created space so that when opportunities arise to be with people I love, it is very simple. Having a two hour lunch with my husband and dear friends, taking an afternoon to go paddle boarding while my bestie is home from Colorado, having a mid week beach break with a dear friend or taking in an evening salt cave meditation with a girlfriend is so desirable and fits into my schedule so seamlessly. It's not because I don't have to to work or perform other responsibilities, its because I choose to write my story in a way that allows me to live as I desire. 

I want to talk specifically about the characters in our story. We've already agreed that we write our own story so that means we have the choice to decide who comes into our story and how they impact us. When you can find a way to focus upon your and creating the way you like, you will attract relationships that enhance your life, make you feel wonderful and inspire you. 

As your own vibrational energy rises, so does that of those around you and around them and so on. With positivity and conscious decisions to surround ourselves with high vibrational energy, we can really achieve relationships that are of the greatest quality and nourish both parties equally and unconditionally. 

There is a vital benefit in drawing attention to the relationships in your life and what they offer. Here are three tips on developing quality relationships in your life.

1. Be Authentically You - This means that you are offering your best self to your relationship with you and your relationship with others. Being completely honest with yourself and with others about who you are and what is important to you is the platform from which trust is built upon. The best relationships exist upon a foundation of trust. 

2. See The Gifts in Others - See others through the eyes of your best self, all the quirks, traits, wild ideas and approach to life is their story. Their creating it, hopefully just as they want to. Embrace lovingly the little bits of contrast that might filter in, as they arise to offer some form of guidance or wisdom. Have a look from their perspective, play with each other, in your collective story and enjoy the gifts.

3. Choose the Relationships that are Important to You - It's okay to let relationships that no longer serve fall away. You don't have to fight for them. Express gratitude and graciously move forward. Make space and time for those relationships that really do matter to you, especially the relationship between you and you. Let nothing get in the way of developing and expanding upon conscious relationships. 

We need each other, choosing quality relationships with enhance our life in profound ways. 


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