You Drive Me Crazy

piotrek and krystal cuba husband and wife healing team

My husband and I got married a year ago. We share our lives together and have weaved the inner workings of our individual lives and businesses into a united fabric of life that is continuously evolving, changing and expanding. We end up spending more time together than most couples. Our desire to spend more time together seems infinite. 

My husband and I often joke that we drive each other crazy. The myriad of ideas that percolates between our two creative souls is huge. We have a queue of projects that is longer than either of us would like to admit. And we both want so fully to experience every detail of life itself through our creative endeavors. 

As one could guess, this creativity, passion and wonder leads to contrast among us, at times. At this point I’d also like to add that we are both Aries and full of fire. Things can get a little heated between us as we stand for an idea or desire. 

Upon our recent travels to Cuba we were in the midst of one of these great moments of contrast, a revelation of understanding came to me. I instantly understood that this contrast is here 1. because in some way I’ve asked for it and 2. because there is something tremendous for each of us to gain from this contrast.

The more and more I think about it, the more I know that from my life what I want to experience and offer is unconditional love.

It is my belief that this is where healing starts for humanity. Unconditional love for our own selves is vital to our pleasure and life experience. 

As I realize all of this, I respond to my husband’s brilliant idea with a smile and a chuckle and say “okay, absolutely, let’s do it” which of course initially led to his confusion and a bit more contrast as I changed my response so instantaneously from fiery passion for my own vision to collective energies intertwining and creating magnificence.

We started to talk about how the Ego can take over our experience as humans how this leads to such unnecessary, unpleasant and undesirable resistance that simply doesn’t serve us. We talked about how the Ego is our greatest barrier in creation. We concluded that we both want to allow the power of our truth and love to be far stronger than that of Ego. And we vowed to put the Ego on the back burner and experience our own selves, our lives and each other with love rather than judgement or fear.

For us it was literally like a lightbulb switched on. We may need to remind ourselves now and again the immense benefits of contrast for Ego may show itself unexpectedly. I believe that the biggest lesson I’ve been wanting to learn in this life has finally integrated. The divine gift of being human is to feel, create, explore and love. When we allow ourselves to do this for ourselves unconditionally, we are in absolute connection to our highest selves and that is where we make magic. 

As for Piotrek and I, we are learning that our two souls sharing this experience makes even more magic and that is purely AMAZING!


The Silence, The Disconnect


Global Conciseness and Peace through Music