Always There...


In my meditation this morning, as happens quite frequently, I was guided through the chakras with rainbow light glimmering upon gently crashing waves. I sat upon the edge where earth meets the sea and let the water come over me as I embodied the energy of each chakra. I remained grounded in the sand comfortably integrating the energies and powers of the land and water. As I reached the auric chakras, glimmers of gold, silver and white light brilliantly filled the scene. When I could see nothing more than white light and felt my physical body completely in alignment with my soul body, there was no distinction between myself and the light,

I was the light. The light was me. 

After several moments of being the light, I transformed into a dolphin and dove right into the sea of rainbow colors. Almost instantly as I felt myself shooting through the water, I was joined by a dolphin on each side of me and then more and more came in. We were untied again as a pod. And then, once again, as I swam through the waters with my pod, we became surrounded by and eventually one with the light. 

This highly visual meditation experience was a great reminder to me that when we allow ourselves to be in alignment, the love and support we need of others is always there for us. We are never alone and we are never without the love and support of other beings, unless we choose to be. As I reflect upon the timing of this meditation it rings true in so many ways. 

I recently have been called to expand my healing to far beyond the treatment room, to work with other healing practitioners, to be a conduit for light healing, and to support the greater good. As I look toward the conclusion of this year and the new year ahead, there are so many collaborations, so many global healing ventures and so much space for the high vibrational energy, I nearly squeal with excitement! The energy that surrounds us is abundant and there is a tribe for each one of us that's always there.

OOOOH, it feels so good!



Healing Rays


Lessons in Time - There's always enough