Be Purely Balanced Podcast: Episode 43

Heather has been an athlete and avid outdoors person her whole life. She has traveled the world, and has lived in some unique places. Throughout her travels, she was fascinated by the way in which wellness was defined differently everywhere she went. Heather used these different interpretations to inspire her journey towards her own wellness path. Having received bodywork herself for many years, she was always intrigued by the field. As an inherently nurturing and intuitive person, she was drawn to the physicality, creativity, and problem solving that is involved with massage therapy. Her work has now become her driving force, and she continuously aims to help her clients reach their goals and optimal level of wellness.

Find Heather on her website at or at her instagram @livefree_hfv

Any Beauty-8.png


Resonance of Natural Energy

Compensation Patterns - Our Bodies are Beautiful Machines

Physical Body Holds Emotions

There’s always options!!!

Inherent Intuition

Channeling Universal Energy


Be Purely Balanced Podcast: Episode 44


Be Purely Balanced Podcast: Episode 43