First Kisses, Making Choices, Life Changing

first kiss dolphin

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Last week I posted an blog called Live Life in Love, focusing on self love. In the spirit of Valentine's Day and the idea of being part of a relationship with another human being, I wanted to write about how each thing we do and every decision we make impacts our life. Some things impact our life in a really big way and others in just a teeny tiny way, but every action, every emotion yields a reaction, a response.

We've all likely had a first kiss in our life. Okay, probably more than one. These kisses may have led us into long term relationships, short term relationships, sexual relationships, friendships or far far away from any version of a relationship. The point is the kiss was a crucial moment in which we made some decision. Did we like it? Do we like the boy or girl? Do we want more kisses like this? Sometimes, the kiss is so fantastic that it gives us an amazing rush of endorphins and we can't think at all, we just do.

The kiss is merely an example of something tangible that we experienced at one point in time that led to a shift in our path. Good, bad, right, wrong, it simply is. However, what strikes me as profound is that when we are consciously present, we have the opportunity to connect in to our experience and connect into making a conscious choice based upon what really pleases us. 

The picture featured in this article is a pivotal first kiss for me. It is the first kiss in my life where I experienced pure consciousness and pure clarity. In this moment, I felt my emotions shift from excitement to knowing. I stayed in the moment with this kiss for a long time. The moment lingered and nothing else existed. I knew based upon this kiss that my life would never be the same again, because in the kiss I felt my authenticity. I felt the truth of me and I knew that my life needed to be dedicated to sharing love and healing energy unconditionally. 

I made a vow to myself and to this dolphin, so appropriately named Venus after the Goddess of Love that I would stay present and true to my journey and my deep purpose for this lifetime. Now, I'm still a human thus I struggle with this sometimes, but I always seem to clearly feel my heart and my consciousness and no matter what human emotions and experiences get in the way, that is enough for me to reach toward my own alignment. 

This moment is one that changed my life. We all have these moments. Perhaps they came in the form of kisses, perhaps in meditation, perhaps at a live concert, perhaps here or perhaps there. These pivotal moments happened because we were open and they flooded us with an energy that was undeniable. They served us in some powerful way. And if we were lucky enough, we listened to our knowing and we followed that energy toward some form of enlightenment. 

So, as I reflect on my first dolphin kiss and the impact it made upon my decision making, I want to encourage you to think about your choices and the choices that have empowered you to live your life authentically. Furthermore, I want to encourage you to start being aware of your choices and making choices that feel really awesome, really authentic and really you!


Living in the Flow of Life - The Water Element


Live Life in Love