Lean In, Be Empowered

For most of my life, I have been an extremely independent person. I found myself thinking of myself separately from the world, trying to exist and trying to flourish AGAINST everything else.  


I realize now that what I was feeling had nothing to do with anyone else or the world, put simply, it was my own resistance to myself. Seriously, the only thing in my way from feeling connected was ME. Why? Because I decided at some point that I was separate and that I had to achieve, experience, and be on my own. 

I could spend days writing about the course of events that led me to believe this was true, but it's not nearly as important as discovering when it is that

you are standing in your own way!

Tragic loss is what allowed me to soften and lean in. There was no choice, I had to let go of my ego in order to survive. I needed people and they were beyond amazing. They offered unconditional love, they were nonjudgmental, they were supportive and they helped me to feel safe.

As it turns out, people are willing to be there for you in extraordinary ways, all the time!

Letting people in isn't an indicator of weakness, it's being part of a community. Leaning into that community when you need to and providing support when others need it. We are all different and in physical form, we are separate beings with unique gifts and talents. Letting go of our ego and choosing to lean in, empowers us in a tremendous way as we work together in collaboration and growth.

Being empowered is a healthy choice.

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I've had the pleasure of collaborating with these two special ladies for a few months in our Mastermind group. The cool thing about this group is that we made a conscious choice to hold each other in the most beautiful light and support each other as our businesses grow. As it turns out, our Mastermind has become a network of boundless friendship, love, energy, respect and support in every way. 

Rather than being afraid to ask others for help, I now relish in the support networks that have always existed around me and am open to new opportunities of support.

Wouldn't it feel good to lean in and be empowered?

I challenge you this week to look at those vulnerable parts of yourself where you hold resistance and ask yourself if there is some way you could be supported by someone. And when that person shows up, lean in!


Invest In You


Getting Tuned In, Anywhere You Find Yourself