Return to Your True Nature
A Journey with the Five Elements
“Life does not happen to us, but unfolds for us.”
- Tony Robbins
Yet, its easy for day to day of our life to take over the flow of our experience. Rather than being in the driver’s seat of our life, we end up moving too fast, working too hard, and feeling unsatisfied within ourselves. The rhythm of too fast, too hard, too long can feel impossible to break through. And we’re left spinning. Does this sound familiar?
We have the potential to live the manifestation of our dreams in our reality! We have the potential to experience the joy of being in physical form and experiencing every sensation, experience, adventure and emotion we like. We have the power to weave the pleasure of our truest aspirations into every moment of our lives.
One of the biggest challenges, I’ve not only witnessed, but experienced personally is straying farther away from one’s own true nature and the natural rhythms of Mother Nature herself, as we age. Responsibility of raising children, growing in one’s career, starting a journey in entrepreneurship, being in a romantic relationship, maintaining family and friendly connections become priorities.
I remember the exact moment when I realized I was living out of alignment with my true nature and nature, herself. It was a huge snow storm. I, like I often did, forced myself to get to a training despite nature and my own knowing advising against it. I drove very slowly, but was hit by a young driver, moving too fast who slid through a stop light while turning. I wasn’t hurt, nor was the other driver. The training ended up being rescheduled. I realized almost instantly that had I aligned with my truth and with nature, I would not be in this situation.
Since that moment, I dedicated myself to listening to the messages of nature, navigating the subtleties of aligning with nature and assisting others in their return to their true nature.
The most joyous, radiant, satisfying life is one aligned with nature.

What is Return to Your True Nature?
Return to Your True Nature is my signature course, consisting of 5 (1.5 hour) modules dedicated to each of the 5 Elements. The course is designed through the lens of the five elements in Chinese Medicine. The Medicine was founded through the lessons and values of nature itself. The Five Elements are a language we use to connect with the parts of nature and thus ourselves. Each of us has within us all five elements and a nature unique to us. As we become closer the elements through knowledge, understanding and connecting with them, we connect to our own nature and awaken the essence of who we are. As we explore the elements and learn from nature, we gain insight into living in alignment with the rhythms of nature and the gift of life. Together, we will illuminate the oneness of you, embrace who you are and help you step into beautiful you, living your beautiful life.
What is the greatest benefit?
Living in alignment with nature sets you FREE! It gives you the power to harness the rhythms and cycles of nature within your environment, your relationships and you. When you step into the flow of conscious awareness of the elements and their vibration, you get to know them and their energy. As you simultaneously get to know you, you’re able to tap into the manifestation of LIVING THE LIFE YOU CRAVE.
Together we’ll learn about the properties, characteristics, associations, tendencies and powers associated with each of the Five Elements. We will also discuss habits to cultivate the energy of the elements within daily life and the season of each element. We’ll even talk about a few Power Points, acupressure points that really share the essence of each element and how to use them.
The Wood Element & the season of Spring yield a unique balance between strength and flexibility. Wood has goals & knows how to achieve them.
The Fire Element and the season of Summer bring about the peak of Yang - warmth, light, connection, joy & love. Fire brings us to our Heart & Spirit.
The Earth Element and the season of Late Summer as well as the Solstices & Equinoxes cultivates the balance point and perfect harmony.
The Metal Element and the season of Autumn share the gift of receiving Heavenly Qi and Releasing that which doesn't serve. Metal brings abundance.
The Water Element and the season of Winter bring us closest to our essence. Water's strength comes from purity and truth. Water is filled with wisdom.

Is it for me?
Think about this: When you visit another country, one of the most challenging things is communicating in a language you don’t understand or speak. Sure, it’s possible to have a great vacation anyway, but if you speak even just a little bit of the language, chances are the experience will be even richer. The Five Elements are a gateway into nature. When we understand the way nature works and relax into the ease of nature’s cascade, our life experience will be more robust with less effort.
Return to Your True Nature is for you:
The Satisfaction Seeker
The Pursuer of Nature’s Wisdom
The Spiritual Soul
The Planner & Action Taker
The Passionate Leader
Imagine Returning to Your True Nature and living your very best life…
Are you ready?
$149 one time payment

This Course was a game changer to help me better navigate life and to be in balance with myself & loved ones around me.
It also provided a totally a transformational approach to a more meaningful, enjoyable and fulfilling journey in life.
Krystal’s incredible ability to share her education, training and personal life experiences makes each class interesting and enjoyable as she takes you through the five elements. Her approach to this online course also provided me with the ability to pause and reflect, and to a self-pace the classes around my schedule. I ended up replaying sections and in some cases the entire class at times to take in the materials and get the most out of the building blocks to the entire course.
I highly recommend “Return to your True Nature”, it’s truly a remarkable and transformational course that enriched my ability to connect with nature!
- John J Boucher, CEO