“With a 6 week very localized headache, I came strolling thru the door of Pure Balance
after already having had a brain MRI, lab work, Prednisone and a 2 week course of antibiotics.......with nothing proven to be the cause, but no relief. I am a healthy woman who takes care of myself, but have never been plagued with a headache. I am remiss that my first natural reaction was to seek out routine medical treatment, when alternative treatment was so available to me. I panicked that something was terribly wrong with me. Yet after all my testing with nothing abnormal, I was not feeling better. After my first session, I was 85% improved! So after 4 visits I am pretty much pain free, including old injuries and HAPPY! May we all find our gifts within ourselves and share them with the world as Krystal has shared her gift of healing with me.”
— Dee McEneaney, Fiddler, Animal Lover & Extraordinary Human