My Whole Health

After 4 months of amazing healing work for your physical body, intellectual body, emotional body and spiritual body, I wanted to offer you a very special series of gifts to nourish your whole being as one. This collection of meditations, visualizations, courses, and flows is yours to work with as you seek and desire. You may use these as self treatment techniques in order to raise your energetic vibration and healing. 

Meridian Energy Balance


Transform Emotions


Chakra Meditations


Endocrine Attunement


Meridian Stretch Flow

Space Clearing and Revitalization Course

Please enjoy this special bonus course on space clearing and revitalization. This process involves the physical and energetic clearing of space and our own being to cultivate energy that nourishes us and facilitates continuous flow of energy. 

Sage & Palo Santo -

Chakra Healing Course

I've included this special healing course on the chakras to increase your understanding of our central energy system. The chakras are easily accessible to us, when we are open, and have a significant impact on our health, emotional balance and overall how we feel. Learning to have awareness to our chakras and cultivating energy within the chakra system is a very powerful tool in elevating our vibrational energy level.

Journaling Prompts




health consciousness krystal couture holistic healing
