Chinese Nutrition Portal

Thanks for purchasing a Chinese Nutrition Consultation. Let’s Get Started!

  1. Download our Five Elements based on Chinese Medicine PDF

  2. Download our Chinese Nutrition Food Energetics PDF

  3. Download our Five Emotions Journal PDF

  4. Complete your Chinese Nutrition Food Profile

  5. Complete your Food Preferences

  6. Complete 7 day Food Journal (1 entry/day)

  7. BONUS: Take our Five Elements Mini Course

  8. Download VOXER - a free ‘walkie talkie’ app, which you will use to ask Krystal questions on a monthly basis

  9. Within 10 days of completion, Dr. Krystal will send your Chinese Nutritional Analysis and schedule your 30 minute Consult Call

  10. For the Five Seasons Consult, repeat steps 3-7 for each of the 5 seasons.

    • Spring - when nature begin to “green up”, buds form on trees and early spring bulbs like crocus, daffodil and tulip bloom

    • Summer - when nature hits the “peak of exuberance”, flowers and trees are in full bloom

    • Late Summer - when nature provides its “harvest” and energy is balanced between that which is outside and that which is inside

    • Autumn - when nature “let’s go” and the leaves fall off the trees

    • Winter - when the nature’s cool/cold energy brings one inside to the “essence of being”