Open Eye Meditation

meditation solace

A few days ago, in a social media group, members were asked to share the practices that allow them to feel more grounded and soothed. My daily practice really allows me to start my day feeling excited for what's ahead, comfortable with myself and tuned in to being present. Here's my list:

1. drink a yummy peppermint tea.
2. stretch my spine and my meridians through the fascial planes of the body.
3. balance my emotions through sound healing.
4. energetically awaken, enliven and balance my meridians.
5. meditate, often followed by open eye meditation with my husband.
6. write.
7. express love and gratitude to my husband and two kittens and the beautiful life we are co-creating.
8. thank the universe for the blessing of this day!
AND two bonuses ***being by the sea and dancing my heart out***

A couple of members were curious about the practice of open eye meditation that my husband and I share. I thought I'd love to share this practice with all of you, as I find it to be a lovely asset to our relationship, connection and understanding of each other on a soul level.

Generally, we begin open eye meditation at the end of our morning self care routines. We sit facing each other, close our eyes and get into a meditative state. Once we are settled, we open our eyes and meditate silently while maintaining eye contact for several minutes. We keep our hearts open and allow ourselves to melt into oneness with our surroundings and each other.

At first, when we started the practice, we would giggle a lot and sometimes we couldn't stop talking, but we always maintained eye contact. Occasionally, the laughs still trickle in and we smile at each other frequently, but with consistent practice, we've been able to really enjoy the peace and calm that rushes over us with the meditative state together. 

Give it a try with a partner or friend and share your feedback here! 


Flexibility, the key to Strength


Pure Consciousness, Pure Power