Say Yes to You


This topic has been on my mind for a long time. And it's only in the past few years I've stepped into saying YES to what I desire. For most of my life, I've been a chronic SHOULD DOER. I have definitely always been unique, don't get me wrong, but I slipped deep into a path of should doing just the same.

I chose a long run of disappointment, doing what I should do, rather than what I really desired to do. 

I came into awareness the day I said NO to joining a beautiful group of clients, therapists and dolphins in Roatan. An opportunity to further explore this healing world in collaboration with dolphins and conscious humans came into my life and I SAID NO. If you know me, even just a little, you likely are aware how much being with dolphins is part of my life and part of my soul purpose. Saying no to this was a big deal because it meant I was saying no to part of me that excitedly thrives! I said no because someone told me I should stay home and "deal with my life". Regret is not a sentiment that I practice, but in the moment that I hung up the phone, I knew I'd made the decision that wasn't what my heart wanted. 

I felt a lot of contrast, a lot of dissatisfaction. 

It took a while for me to occupy this feeling that I was going to say YES, when what I wanted was presenting it self to me. I started slowly, first saying yes to little things that I consciously knew I wanted and that seemed to feel really good to me. 

Once I started to say yes, I found that more pleasing opportunities began to arise and in multiples.

I now had choices of many things that felt good and were in alignment with what I was wanting. I stopped listening to EGO and started listening to my heart. I also made an effort to stop listening to the voices of others that weren't in alignment with my vision. While i could respect their words, choices and desires, I knew myself and had the knowing within me to make decisions that were down right satisfying.

Here are my tips on SAYING yes to you

  • You know you better than anyone else knows you, trust your own knowing and wisdom.

  • Sort out the difference between the inner voice of your heart and that of EGO. Follow your heart!

  • Choose what feels good over what doesn't every SINGLE time.

  • "Listen, but be skeptical", As said by Don Miguel Ruiz. Your creation is all yours. Another creation is all theirs. Maybe something will resonate from one to another and if it does, flow with it. If it doesn't, its okay, it was theirs to begin with. This is where respect breeds in amazing ways.


Resonant Balance


Offering Unconditionally