Two of my closest friends recently gifted me with a star chart reading as a birthday gift.
I was beyond excited to learn that Dr. Krystal would be the one to do it! She has been alongside me during the past few years on my whole health healing journey through which I have become much more in tune with myself. This reading was the glue that put it altogether. It was fascinating to learn that many of my less desirable tendencies and personal challenges are actually directly related to my birth chart! Dr. Krystal was both thorough and thoughtful about how she shared the information she was reading. Her knowledge and ability to understand humans as whole beings - mind, body, and soul - was so important as this reading really pieced together not only where I’ve been, but also where I am, and where I’m going. We even spent time on the challenging relationships in my world and why they are worth fighting for. It was nice to learn that, for the most part, I am on the right path and with Dr Krystal’s help, I was able to better understand the adjustments I can make as I truly step into my own. If you are looking to connect the dots in your life, I highly recommend connecting with Dr Krystal to experience not only the birth chart readings, but all of the wonderful and restorative services she offers.
- Jessica Wright, Realtor and Mama