Invest In You

INVEST IN YOU krystal couture holistic healing

As a healer and an entrepreneur, I am frequently asking clients to invest in their health through their sessions and programs that I facilitate. The investment that one chooses to make in health and wellness can seem like a lot of effort, or money or time. In truth, we've only got one body for this life and keeping it healthy in every way is vital to a fulfilling life experience.

Wouldn't it be nice if our health was our priority?

Wouldn't that allow everything else to fall into place?

Recently, a client asked me for advice on the best ways to invest in health. I always consider health to be a collaborative of healing the mind, body, spirit and emotional parts of us. Investing in ourselves doesn't mean a financial commitment, but an agreement within ourselves to heal and expand.


Stimulating our mind is key to keeping our brain healthy. It gives us an opportunity to create new neural pathways, strengthen those that exist, develop our presence and focus and continue to expand our consciousness. 

  • Challenge yourself with something new: languages - most libraries offer free courses or dance lessons - online or in person are great, research proven ways to develop your mind.
  • Read: Find something you are really interested in, fact, fiction, self healing, whatever you have interest in.
  • Take a class or workshop with someone you admire or are fascinated by. Not only will you learn something, but it is great to gain perspective.


The physical body is our access point to this physical world. Maintaining and enhancing physical health leads to improvement in our overall balance and health.

  • Do physical activity that pleases you. Choose the sports, classes, and activities that you love. Try out a variety and pick what feels good. If its inspiring, you'll be pleased doing it.
  • Listen to your body. Let the cues and messages it offers you indicators of what you need. Sometimes, we need help interpreting this and its okay to ask for help. A holistic healer, massage therapist, naturopath, osteopath, acupuncturist all could be helpful. Find someone you trust and reach out when you need some form of balancing.
  • Nourish yourself. Food is about fueling your body with good clean energy that tastes delicious and is healthy for you.


Our soul is the gateway to oneness and our divine purpose. It seeks to be where we act and express from. Spending time with our highest self gives us access to our authenticity and what we really desire to do in this life.

  • Be quiet with yourself. Meditate. 5 minutes a day is an extreme benefit and gift to offer yourself.
  • Do the thing or things that make you feel closest to God, spirit, that highest power, whatever you believe. Maybe that is playing music, doing a particular type of breathing, dancing, sitting in nature. Whatever it is, do it and do it often.
  • Trust your intuition and inner guidance. Not fear, knowing. And if its difficult for you, start by setting your intention to discern fear from intuition. Think about times in your life when you "just knew something". Ask for more of that. 


Emotions are based upon our relationships. Our relationship with ourself, relationship with others, relationship to our environment and spirit.

  • Feel whatever you need to feel, as long as you need to feel it. Once you don't need it anymore, release it.
  • Forgive yourself for everything that you may have any negative connotations with. Forgive others, its not about them, its about you and your desire to moving forward. Forgiving them leads to harmony within you. 
  • Spend quality time with people. Get to know you through being with others. Get to know them. Go as deep into the relationship as you can. Lean in for support when you need it and offer support when you can. 
  • Most importantly, focus on the relationship between YOU and YOU.

Offering Unconditionally


Lean In, Be Empowered