One Foot in Each World

Greatest Lesson Number 3 from the Abraham Hicks Workshop. If you've read the last few blogs I've written and you still don't know about the Law of Attraction, please please please go to . There is so much to explore and learn about yourself in this process. 

About 2 months ago, I made one of the most challenging and trying decisions of my life, taking my little pinky toe out of the other world, so to speak. Over the past 10 years, owning a healthcare practice, I've found myself resisting both conformity to western standards and alternative healing. 

I deducted rather quickly that western standards and healthcare processes made less and less sense to me and that I found myself adapting to an alternative world. The reality of course, was that the Alternative World was where I felt at home, where I belonged and where I could facilitate the absolute best healing processes for clients and myself. 

There were SHOULDS that kept getting in my way, and often I struggled to navigate through them rather than cutting them loose. I held on to things because it seemed like that was what was supposed to happen. It turns out, there was a lot of unnecessary struggle. 

I started to listen to my Inner Wisdom with greater intent and trust the messages I was receiving. I had weaned off all but 20% of the things in my life that didn't make me happy and didn't make sense to me. I was happy 80% of the time, but I kept receiving messages that there was more for me. 

That last 20% was the most challenging to even consider letting go of, because it wasn't only my life that was impacted but that of children I spent 8 years assisting. Assisting them had become a battle of politics, finances and ego and I felt no longer able to freely serve and I wasn't receiving my worth energetically. 

About 10 days prior to being at the workshop, I made the final decision to take back the 20%. I never had a moment of regret, but when I heard Abraham through Ester say "You cannot have one foot in each world!" I knew that my decision was more than just a shift for me, it meant a shift for everyone around me, my family, my colleagues, my clients, and all of their circles. I realized how much this 20% really meant and how it absolutely didn't make sense to keep that pinky toe in the other world any longer because it was not inline with my soul purpose or where the divine guidance was leading me. 



