This, or Something Greater

rainbow healing consciousness

Sometimes, we experience one of those lows, something isn't quite going as planned. And it's something you've really been wanting, seeking and dreaming of and you just don't see it in front of you. This is what happened to Piotrek and I last week, we'd been searching for a home since the spring. We actually put in several offers on home and went under contract with one. 

Despite our strong desire and efforts to move forward in our lives purchasing a home together, something wasn't lining up. I'm still not sure what that was or is, but it was a clear message that the timing wasn't right or the location wasn't right or the house (any of the houses) wasn't right. We reluctantly signed a one year lease on our current home to assure a place to live. 

AND THIS TORE US UP. For a full 24 hours, we were both sad, confused and fearful. (These are not common emotions for either of us, so it was a rough go.) 

After what felt like an eternity, I had some time to really sit with myself and realized, when manifesting, setting intentions and putting it out there to the universe, I always say, 


I always trust in the universe that it will provide me with what I desire in the right time and space. And when I find a way to trust, things greater than ever imaginable happen. This realization led me to the ocean, in the midst of rain storm to cleanse the sadness, confusion and fear. 

As I drive along the rocky coastline, I recognize Piotrek's car. It seems around the same time, after he finished work with a client, he was called to the sea for the same reason. We watched the crazy lightning storm on the coastline and then were surprised by this beautiful rainbow. 

Healing comes in many forms and through many different modalities, for both P and I at the exact same time, we were called to water to purify our beings and reset our energies toward the highest and best.


A moment of pure bliss


Unconditional Love